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Conferences and Careers Fairs

“Dead or Alive? The changing role of Aid in Global Health” 

6th/7th April 2013

Institute of Child Health, London


PODCASTS AVAILABLE THROUGH iTUNES:  Click here for a link to download.

For technical reasons, we do not have podcasts available for all speakers.


Plenary 1:  Is aid effective? 

This plenary gave an overview of the political and economic aspects of aid.  The speakers addressed controversies in aid, how best to evaluate aid effectiveness using both quantitative and human development indicators, and the effect of good governance and leadership in recipient countries on the success of aid strategies.  Speakers: Dr. Carlos Oya (SOAS), David Booth (Overseas Development Institute) and John Greensmith (African Leadership Institute)

Plenary 2:  Aid on the Ground

Speakers from organisations and institutions involved in direct aid delivery shared their experiences.  Chair:  Gerri McHugh (Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene);  Speakers:  Ruth Markus (AMECA) and Dr. Matthew Clark (The Wellbodi Partnership)

Plenary 3: Future Directions

A panel of leaders and experts in aid lead a round-table discussion followed by an interactive debate on the future of aid, giving delegates an opportunity to explore ideas and concepts that emerged over the weekend.  What works and what doesn’t?  How can current aid policies be adapted to incorporate new concepts?  How can we foster partnerships to achieve improved health and sustained development?   Speakers:   Dr. Titi Banjoko (Founder, Africa Recruit) and John Greensmith  (African Leadership Institute)

Postgraduate Global Health Careers:  Current Status and Developments

Dr. Gareth Lewis


Alma Mata is run by volunteers and has no regular source of funding, and we rely on sponsorship from organisations in order to fund our events.  We are grateful to the following organisations for their support:

Queen Mary, University of London

King’s Centre for Global Health


The Wellcome Trust

The Royal College of Physicians International Office

British Medical Association

Medical Defence Union

UCL Institute for Global Health

Royal Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene




Alma Mata Global Health Careers Day

28th November 2009

King’s College, London


Alma Mata Global Health Careers Fair

30th November 2008

UCL Institute of Child Health, London


Global Health Directions: Commercialisation and Health, & Global Health Careers Fair

24-25 November 2007

UCL Institute of Child Health, London


Global Health Directions:  Without Borders? Challenges of Health Worker Migration

2-3rd December 2006

University of Edinburgh


Global Health Directions

3rd December 2005

Leeds University



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