THET is holding a Primary Care and Public Health Conference at Central Hall Westminster on Monday 15th July. It’s a unique opportunity to learn how individuals and health partnerships can get involved in primary care and public health in low and middle income countries.
May 23 2013
THET’s July conference for Primary Care & Public Health in Global Health Partnerships.
There is a great line-up of speakers from the global health world who will explore the potential for health partnerships to engage in primary care and public health, as well as looking at how individuals can get involved.
The event is a great networking opportunity for those involved in, or those who want to get involved in, primary care and public health overseas. There will be stall holders from a number of NGOs and health partnerships looking for UK volunteers.
Tickets are now available for THET’s July conference for Primary Care & Public Health in Global Health Partnerships for more details click here.
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