

Jul 03 2013

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Exciting new post for Emergency Medicine doctors who are keen to develop an interest in International Emergency Medicine and/or Toxicology.

This post is designed to provide exposure, experience and opportunities for training in international emergency medicine and/or toxicology with the option of funding a post-graduate course. This job is suitable for middle grade doctors and trainees who are motivated to broaden their experience of and contribution to the specialty.  9 months in total will be spent working at registrar level in the ED, with a focus on one of two main streams: International Emergency Medicine or Toxicology.  3 months will then be spent gaining relevant exposure, experience and opportunities towards training in international emergency medicine and/or toxicology. This includes two funded teaching trips to a middle income country (currently India) where formal Emergency Medicine is still developing as a speciality. In addition, up to £3000 is available to allow the successful candidate to fund a relevant postgraduate qualification.

This is an out of programme post; for further information on seeking prospective GMC approval for training, please refer to the details on the GMC website( http://www.gmc-uk.org/education/seeking_approval.asp )and your local training standards committee.
For any informal queries please contact Dr Shweta Gidwani (shweta.gidwani@chelwest.nhs.uk) or Dr Sarah Finlay (sarah.finlay@chelwest.nhs.uk).

Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/945/

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