Venue: Royal College of Physicians, Regents Park, London, NW1 4LE
Date: June 19th 2014, 6:30pm – 8pm followed by a drinks reception
This is the second in this year’s Global Health Advocacy seminar series held by the RCP and the Alma Mata Global Health Network. How can technological innovations be employed in low-resource settings to address global health issues? How can these innovations maximise professionals’ productivity, empower patient and improve quality and access to healthcare? Are these tools diverting resources from ensuring sustainable health systems and can they really hold value for money in global health settings? The discussion will consider how the developed world can learn from innovations taking place elsewhere and incorporate them into the existing health systems. Join us for a lively and interactive debate.
Dr. Caroline Free, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Mr Chris Phillips, MapAction
Dr. Tariq Sadiq, St. George’s University/eST12 Consortium
Dr Susie Whitwell, Medicine Africa
Mr Alan Hardiman, T-Systems.
Email: to reserve your place.
Image Courtesy of Pacific Northwest National Laboratory