“Crisis in the NHS: What is the way forward?”
YOU are the future of the NHS.
Join us at our next Global Health Advocacy seminar at the London School of Hygiene and Trop Medicine, Thursday 27th April 2017, 6p.m. – 7:30 (then drinks afterwards).
Is the NHS in crisis? How is it coping with increased demand but increasingly limited resources? Is our current model of healthcare sustainable in the current political climate? What are the alternatives?
Chaired by Prof Nick Mays (Health Policy, LSHTM), and speakers including Professor Neena Modi (president of Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health), Dr. Ben White (Bring Back The NHS/Justice4Health campaigns) and Dr. Jeeves Wijesuriya (Chair, BMA Junior Doctors Committee). Put your questions to the speakers in a Question Time style debate. The seminar will provide up-to-date information and develop skills in advocacy and leadership.
Attendance is free, but you need to register through our EventBrite link: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/is-the-nhs-in-crisis-registration-33587295505
Thanks, and please share with your friends/colleagues!
This seminar asks, “Is the NHS in crisis?” How is the NHS coping with increased demand and pressures to deliver excellence, in a context of increasingly limited resources and ongoing structural change? Is our current model of healthcare sustainable in the current political climate? What are the a…