n our increasingly interdependent world, global health is relevant to all health professionals.
With increasing population movement and shifting disease patterns, health professionals working in the UK are
being challenged to deliver effective care to multicultural communities with diverse needs. Health professionals also require an understanding of, and the ability to respond to, the effects of globalisation on health and health systems.
This document primarily provides a framework of core global health capabilities to guide the curricula of postgraduate health professionals in the UK. These capabilities are mainly targeted towards doctors, but may be tailored to the training needs of other health professionals, of undergraduate students and of health professionals and students in other countries.
The five core capabilities, which are of equal value and priority, are interrelated. Each one is relevant to all UK postgraduate health professionals, impacting on both day-to-day practice, clinical leadership and advocacy roles.
Further details including key knowledge areas and practice examples for each capability are available in the full report, available on request from globalhealthcapabilities@gmail.com