Alma Mata Global Health Network

Ethiopia (46)


Alma Mata Global Health Network is for all interested in global health issues.

It provides regular updates on news, events, education and careers related to global health via its website, Facebook group, Twitter account and mailing list.

To subscribe to our mailing list enter your email address here:

Aug 29 2013

Migrant access to the NHS

Sustaining services, ensuring fairness: a consultation on migrant access and their financial contribution to NHS provision in England

July 3rd of this year saw the release of the government consultation on migrant access to the NHS via two in two consultations launched by both the Department of Health and the Home Office paving the way for the Immigration Bill.

In essence the government proposes:

  • Changing entitlement to access free NHS Care

They propose changing the requirement of being an ‘Ordinary Resident’ (someone living lawfully in the UK for a settled purpose) to those with indefinite leave to remain in the UK (which on average takes five years to achieve).  The DoH estimates that this will result in approx. above 700,000 people being no longer entitled to access free NHS Care.

  • Institution of  health levy

They propose introducing a health levy of at least £200 per year to be paid prior to the issuing of a visa for all  temporary migrants from outside the EEA (European Economic Area) to enable access to NHS services.

  • Extending current charging policy to include Primary Care 

They propose that The Government is also considering ending the free provision of A&E services and emergency GP consultations.

  • Implementation of a new registration and tracking system 
  • Changes to the way money is reclaimed for NHS services provided to EEA nationals.
  • Extending access to free NHS care to UK expatriates if they have made at least seven years of national insurance contributions

Alma Mata has objected to these proposals as we believe they would be detrimental to the health and well-being of both individuals and the population as a whole.  We have cited ethical, medical, practical, and cost-effectiveness reasons for our objection and have substantiated this with evidence from multiple sources.  Please find below our response to the consultation which has been submitted to the Department of Health.  We have also responded to the Home Office consultation running in parallel to this.  We will continue to work with the Entitlement Working Group in this area and welcome the input of our friends and colleagues, so please do not hesitate to contact us at if you would like to be involved.

Alma Mata Reponse to the Government Consultation on Migrant access to the NHS



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Aug 20 2013

Sex, contraception and HIV – a global perspective

Global health: developing leaders

Free seminars to develop global health advocates

Sex, contraception and HIV – a global perspective


This seminar will address key issues around sexual health such as growing levels of STIs, late presentation for HIV and high teenage pregnancy rates. The panel will examine these issues using various international examples and perspectives.

Facilitator: Prof Jane Anderson, Homerton Hospital, London

Speakers to include:

Dr Sanjay Bhagani, BHIVA

Winnie Sseruma, Christian Aid

Dr Ernestina Coast, London School of Economics

Dr Ceppie Merry, St James’ Hospital, Dublin

Thursday 19 September 2013

18:30 – 20:00

Followed by a free drinks reception



The next seminar in this series will be held on 28 November 2013


If you are interested in attending please email to reserve a place.

Royal College of Physicians | Regents Park | London | NW1 4LE


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Aug 05 2013

August Alma Mata Newsletter – Now out!


The Alma Mata Times

This month’s instalment of the Alma Mata newsletter outlines the latest global health news, events, educational links and opportunities.


Featuring an update on the Alma Mata response the Government Consultation on Migrant access to the NHS.

A wealth of global health related events taking place this autumn, including ‘Sex, contraception, and HIV – a global perspective’, the third in our series of evening seminars in collaboration with the Royal College of Physicians held on September 19th, and a one-day conference on November 9th to mark the re-launch of Medact.  

While our news stories this month, take a look at the “extraordinary long list of benefits” from overseas volunteering, courtesy of the APPG on Global health, research in times of conflict, helminths, and a day in the life of a Syrian refugee.  Click here to view newsletter.

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Aug 03 2013

BMA Information Fund 2013 – apply now

The BMA Information Fund is run by the BMA International Department. The Fund provides health information and educational materials to health-focused organisations in developing countries. See the website for further information.

Applications for 2013 are now open. They will be accepted until the cap of 100 applications has been reached or until Friday 30th August (5pm BST). You are strongly encourage to get your application in early.

Who can apply?

  • Healthcare institutions
  • Medical schools
  • Libraries
  • Health-focused non-governmental organisations or similar are not able to respond to requests from individuals.

The BMA is not able to respond to requests from individuals.

What does the BMA donate?

The BMA supplies health related educational and training materials (e.g. books, CDs and DVDs). Quantities requested may be reduced due to the high number of applications. 

We do not donate money.

How do you apply?
To apply, please read the advice for applicants before completing the application form and book list.  

Due to the high volume of applications received, please note that application forms with any information missing will be automatically rejected. 


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Aug 02 2013

Paid Internship with Medact

Paid Internship with Medact

6 – 12 months 

This is a fantastic opportunity to play an important role in an organisation that really makes a difference.  Medact is a small but influential and dynamic global health charity based in London.  It works on a wide range of public health issues, including: health care for refugees and asylum seekers; torture and human rights abuses; climate change; nuclear war and weapons proliferation; and global health governance.

This paid internship is offered for a period of six to twelve months. It presents an ideal opportunity for an enthusiastic and committed graduate to establish a track record and gain valuable professional experience in the voluntary sector.  You will develop key advocacy and research skills, while also improving your general administrative and organizational skills, and experiencing the exciting world of working for an NGO.

Job Description

There are three elements to the role:

  • Support and develop Medact’s grassroots membership

The power of Medact to make a difference is rooted in the number, expertise and activities of its members.  You will play a key role overseeing and developing this:

 managing Medact’s membership database; supporting and communicating with its members; helping recruit new members; and generally supporting the day-to-day administration of the organization (including some financial and general office management).

This will take up to 2 days a week.

  • Provide general and administrative assistance to the editorial team of Medact’s peer-reviewed journal, Medicine, Conflict and Survival.

You will gain first-hand experience of assisting with the publication and distribution of an academic journal.

This will take up 0.5 days a week.

  • Support research and advocacy activities on one of Medact’s key action issues.

You will gain valuable experience collecting data, conducting literature reviews, and developing policy briefs and campaign materials.

This will take up 1.5 – 2.5 days a week.

A more detailed job description is available from their website.

Pay and conditions

The London living wage £15,561 will be applied on a pro rata basis (4-5 days per week). You will be expected to work from Medact’s office in Old Street for at least 3 days a week

How to apply

Please send a CV + the names of two referees + a covering letter explaining why you would like to apply to Ruth Stern at

Closing date for application: 5pm, Monday 26th August, 2013

Interview date: September 4, 2013

Starting date: as soon as possible

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Jul 25 2013

Volunteering Opportunity for GPs with RCGP and VSO

The RCGP in partnership with the VSO has developed 12 month primary care placements for GPs in Makeni, Sierra Leone.

They are currently seeking volunteers who may be able to start between September 2013 and January 2014, if you or anyone you know think you might be interested please visits the dedicated website or email

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Jul 19 2013

The 2nd GLOW (Global Women’s) research conference


The 2nd GLOW (Global Women’s) research conference will be held on Friday 1st  November 2013 , at The Great Hall, University of Birmingham


The aim is for academics and postgraduate students engaged in Global Maternal Health to share their work, build collaborations and hear updates from prominent international speakers. The keynote speeches will interspersed with oral presentations selected from the submitted abstracts. Those not selected for oral presentation will be invited to present their work as a poster.

Confirmed speakers are:

Carole Presern “Beyond Millennium Development Goals”

Charlotte Warren “Sociology of pregnancy and childbirth and respectful care”

Lesley Regan “RCOG Strategy to make a difference in global women’s health”

Janine Stockdale: “RCM Strategy to make a difference in global women’s health”

There will be a series of workshops:

Andrew Weeks: Developing Hospital Links: How we can make clinical links appropriate and effective

Zulfiqar Bhutta: The importance of nutrition in maternal, neonatal and child health

Gaynor MacLean: Working Abroad: Opportunities and Challenges

Julia Hussein, Wendy Graham and Colleagues: New ways of assessing maternal & newborn health

Veronique Filippe: The burden of maternal morbidity


Fees: £100 paid (£80 if register before 30th July; £50 full time students.


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Jul 19 2013

Economics, Politics, Ecology, Violence … The Wider Role of Health Professionals in Global Health

Medact Re-launch

Saturday November 9th 2013

Queen Mary University of London, Barts / West Smithfield Campus, London EC1 0930 – 1700

Plenary themes

Shaping policy beyond the health sector

Challenging injustice and confronting power

Bridging science, politics and civic action

Inter-connecting militarisation, climate change and socio-economic inequality

Parallel sessions

  • Torture, Detention and Human Rights Abuses
  • Globalisation and the political economy of aid
  • Trident and the UK Weapons Industry
  • Corporate capture of public policy: Big Pharma and Big Food

 Confirmed Speakers include:

Tamasin Cave – Spinwatch

Professor Sir Iain Chalmers – James Lind Alliance

Professor Sir Andrew Haines – former Director of LSHTM

John Hilary – War on Want

Dr Richard Horton – Lancet

Dr John Lister – London Health Emergency

Dr David McCoy – Queen Mary University London and Medact

Professor Allyson Pollock – Queen Mary University London

Patti Rundall – Baby Milk Action Network


Registration costs:
£10 for students
£20 for members of Medact
£40 for non-members
For further information and to register: Email:
Phone: 020 7324 4739

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Jul 11 2013

Government Consultation on Migrant access to the NHS is now open

The Government consultation on charging for NHS care has now been launched and you can find it here.  There is also the Home Office consultation document entitled ‘Controlling Immigration – Regulating Migrant Access to Health Services in the UK‘.

The consultation will run until August 28th, and is concerning “migrants’ access and financial contribution to the NHS”. Among other things it proposes ending “free access to primary care for all visitors and tourists” and introducing “more practical and easier ways for the NHS to identify whether someone is not eligible for free healthcare”.

This consultation needs a strong response on public health, economic and humane grounds. What is being proposed could also radically affect the health professionals relationship with their patients.

Alma Mata has been working with MedactDoctors of the WorldMigrants’ Rights Network, the Terrence Higgins Trust, The National AIDS TrustStill Human Still Here andMedsin on a website to aid responses to the consultation, please see here.

This website is designed to share information that may be useful for preparing a response to this consultation, and provide a space to share draft and final responses and ideas. It includes:

• some general information about consultations, and what this one is likely to be about

• why we are concerned about what is likely to be proposed in this consultation

• background documents, evidence and case studies that are likely to be useful when preparing a response

• information about other consultations – past and present – that relate to this one

• an area for contributing thoughts and information where you can also post questions which will be responded to as soon as we can.

We believe that healthcare should be freely accessible for all who need it on ethical, humanitarian, public health and economic grounds. If you have anything you would like to share with the website, please let us know at

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Jul 11 2013

Improving health at home and abroad: How overseas volunteering from the NHS benefits the UK and the world

The All Party Parliamentary Group on Global Health have launched a report on overseas volunteering and partnerships from the NHS. The report, ‘Improving health at home and abroad: How overseas volunteering from the NHS benefits the UK and the world‘ addresses the role of NHS staff who volunteer overseas in advancing health globally and bringing new knowledge, skills and ideas back to the UK, and what can be done to facilitate this work further.

An “extraordinarily long list of benefits” from overseas volunteering was compiled during the review. These have been refined down to the four most compelling: health gains for developing countries, leadership development, innovation and international relationships. The report states that, “although often ‘under the radar’, overseas volunteering is already a valuable asset to the NHS, and could be contributing much more still.”

THET have responded to this by urging people to put the valuable work that volunteers do with health partnerships on the radar. Calling on those who have volunteered to raise the profile of their work in their Trust and in their locality – with their MP and the media by telling them about the benefits at home and abroad. They have produced a toolkit to facilitate this.

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