
Jan 11 2018

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Please help us to respond to DoH consultation on charges for NHS services!


The Department of Health are undertaking a review of the 2017 Amendment to the “National Health Service (Charges to Overseas Visitors) Regulations”.  This has far-reaching implications: it is now a legal requirement to withhold treatment from chargeable overseas visitors until the estimated full cost of the service has been paid (unless doing so would prevent or delay immediately necessary or urgent services); and, this now also applies to community services including: community midwifery services; community mental health services; drug and alcohol treatment services; district nursing services; and outreach services.

We believe that these charges are likely to lead to significant harm to individuals and to public health.  We also believe that this policy has not been properly evaluated, or that individuals working in affected services have received proper training, prior to its implementation.  Furthermore, it also introduces a charging scheme directly into the NHS.

Please help us by sending us any case reports or examples that we can use as evidence in our report.  To make this easier, we have produced a proforma, which is attached below.  We would be grateful if you could kindly complete this and email it to us at HPforGH@gmail.com.

Unfortunately, we have only been given until the end of the month to respond.  We would therefore be grateful if you could get back to us by Wednesday 24th January, to give us a few days to put together a report.  If this is not possible, or if you would like to discuss with us first, please email us (leave us your phone number if possible) and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

Please also help us to spread the word by forwarding this information to anyone you know who may also be able to help.

Thank you in advance,

On behalf of the Advocacy Group, Health Professionals for Global Health (formerly Alma Mata)

Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/please-help-us-to-respond-to-doh-consultation-on-charges-for-nhs-services/

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