

May 30 2013

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Book Launch: ‘Aid, NGOs and the realities of women’s lives: a Perfect Storm’

London International Development Centre and the Department of Geography, Environment and Development Studies (GEDS) at Birkbeck are launching ‘Aid, NGOs and the realities of women’s lives: a Perfect Storm’ edited by Fenella Porter and Tina Wallace. The presentation of the book will be followed by a discussion.
You will get a chance to meet the authors, purchase a copy of the book and have it signed. Light refreshments will be served.

When: 12 June 2013, 5.30 – 7.30 pm (drinks will be served from 5.30 and presentations will start at 6 pm)

Where: Drama Studio, Institute of Education, 20 Bedford Way, London WC1H 0AL

Fenella Porter, Birkbeck/IGS@LMH; and Tina Wallace, IGS@LMH (editors)
Deepa Joshi, Wageningen UR, chapter author ‘Apolitical stories of sanitation and suffering women’
Tom Scott-Smith, University of Oxford, chapter author ‘Insulating the developing classes’

Professor Naila Kabeer, SOAS
Professor Elaine Unterhalter, IOE

Chair: Dr. Jasmine Gideon, Birkbeck


About the book:
Several factors are coming together that put pressure on NGOs working in development: the economic crisis, the growing conditionality of aid, and increased competition for funding between NGOs seeking to grow in reach and influence. This creates ‘a perfect storm ’that focuses attention increasingly on a new language of aid, policies and procedures. The book addresses the current crisis and growing disconnect between development frameworks and the lives of women. It argues for NGOs to learn more from their past experiences and to keep open a challenging and creative space for analysing aid.

Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/794/

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