“Apps, maps and cyber chats: how technology can be harnessed for global health” Venue: Royal College of Physicians, Regents Park, London, NW1 4LE Date: June 19th 2014, 6:30pm – 8pm followed by a drinks reception This is the second in this year’s Global Health Advocacy seminar series held by the RCP and the Alma Mata Global …
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Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/apps-etc/
May 21 2014
International health work from an orphanage in Romania to the remote island of East Timor, Brazil & beyond
BRIGHTON ALMA MATA GLOBAL HEALTH GROUP PRESENTS: Dr Alison Beadsworth, A & E consultant and co- founder of ‘Iasis’ and ‘Children on the Edge’ charities Monday June 2nd at 6:30pm Audrey Emerton Building, room TBC Eastern Road, Brighton BN2 5BE Sharing her stories & experiences in international health work from an orphanage in Romania to the …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/iasis/
May 20 2014
R2HC Webnar on Funding Health Research in Crises
Jun 04, 2014 at 4:00 PM BST Register now! The Research for Health in Humanitarian Crises (R2HC) Programme opens its second call for proposals on 26 May 2014 with up to £3.5 million of research funding available. We are holding a webinar on 4 June, linking to the R2HC team in London, to present details …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/r2hc-webnar-on-funding-health-research-in-crises/
May 15 2014
Latest APPG on Global Health Report: ‘Patient empowerment: for better quality, more sustainable health services globally’
The result of a partnership by six All Party Parliamentary Groups, this report takes a global perspective on how to empower patients to play a more active role in their care. Drawing on case studies from low, middle and high income countries, it outlines how much the UK has to learn from overseas – and how …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/latest-appg-on-global-health-report-patient-empowerment-for-better-quality-more-sustainable-health-services-globally/
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/the-april-instalment-of-the-alma-mata-global-health-newsletter-is-now-out/
Apr 21 2014
Apps, Maps and Cyber Chats: how technology can be harnessed for global health
Royal College of Physicians of London/Alma Mata global health advocacy seminar: Thursday 19th June 2014, 18:30 – 20:00, followed by a drinks reception. This seminar will explore how technological innovations can be employed in low-resource settings to address global health issues. How can they be used to maximise productivity, empower patients, and improve quality and …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/apps-maps-and-cyber-chats-how-technology-can-be-harnessed-for-global-health/
Apr 17 2014
Alma Mata Liverpool: “Thatcher’s legacy on health inequality in Britain and the future for public health in England”
“Thatcher’s legacy on health inequality in Britain and the future for public health in England” Dr Alex Scott Samuel Tuesday 29th April, 6.30-8.30pm Harold Ellis Room, The Main Guild, Abercromby Square, Liverpool The return of the postponed event. Dr Alex Scott Samuel will talk about his recent paper on Thatcher’s legacy on health inequality …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/alma-mata-liverpool-thatchers-legacy-on-health-inequality-in-britain-and-the-future-for-public-health-in-england/
Apr 15 2014
Global health alert: Delivering the right to a safe and dignified birth: The role of the world’s midwives?
Focusing on safe births and the state of midwives around the world Tuesday 13th May 18:30 RSM 95% of the daily estimated 1,000 pregnancy related deaths around the world can be prevented. This seminar will highlight the challenges of caring for pregnant women in resource limited settings and will discuss the necessity of looking more …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/global-health-alert-delivering-the-right-to-a-safe-and-dignified-birth-the-role-of-the-worlds-midwives/
Apr 14 2014
From Bokotchilli to the UN Plaza: making the most of qualitative research
Thursday 24th April 18:30 Liverpool Medical Institution Dr Juliet Bedford is the Founder and Director of Anthrologica, a research-based organisation that specialises in applied anthropology in global health. Anthrologica conducts formative and operational research across health sectors, focusing on the interface between the provision and uptake of health services, particularly in resource-scarce settings. Juliet Holds …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/from-bokotchilli-to-the-un-plaza-making-the-most-of-qualitative-research/
Apr 09 2014
Discussion topic: THE FEAST TRIAL & RESEARCH IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES Monday 14th April @18.30 Audrey Emerton Building, Eastern road, Brighton BN2 5BE, opposite the main entrance to the Royal Sussex County Hospital They will be discussing the legendary FEAST trial which found that fluid resuscitation as an emergency treatment for African children suffering with shock …
Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/alma-mata-brighton-global-health-journal-meeting/