Alma Mata Global Health Network

Ethiopia (46)


Alma Mata Global Health Network is for all interested in global health issues.

It provides regular updates on news, events, education and careers related to global health via its website, Facebook group, Twitter account and mailing list.

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Apr 08 2014

Alma Mata Working Group Meeting Saturday 12th April



The next Alma Mata Working Group Meeting will be held on Saturday 12th April at 10:30 in Old street, London

We will be discussing our work around global health education, training, research, signposting and advocacy, as well as planning for the future.

We are always looking for new ideas and help with our current projects.

If you would like to be involved please email us at and we will send you all the details.

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Mar 27 2014

Steve Mannion joins tonight’s Responding to Emergencies: the challenges of NGO competition Panel

This free seminar tonight at 18:30 at the RCP will explore the immediate response to emergency situations requiring humanitarian or healthcare intervention and will be followed by drinks reception afterwards.

We are pleased to announce that  Mr Steve Mannion MA Mchir DTM&H DMCC FRCS (Tr & Orth) Hon. Fellow RSM will be joining the panel.   In 2008, he was described by the BBC as the “Indiana Jones of Surgery” and appeared on BBC One’s ‘Super Doctors’ series alongside Lord Robert Winston. Between appointments in the NHS he has worked in surgical programmes for aid agencies (including the Red Cross and Médecins Sans Frontières) in multiple conflict situations; these include in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Angola, Sri Lanka, Ethiopia, and Rwanda (during the 1994 genocide).  He is currently Head of Department at the Centre for Trauma, Conflict and Catastrophe Medicine at St George’s, Orthopaedic Advisor to CBM (a disability focused NGO) and Chair of World Orthopaedic Concern.

He will join:
Annie Devonport, Head of Programmes and Accountability, Disasters Emergency Committee
Dr. Michael Pelly, Member of initial Merlin Team: previously worked for the Red Cross and Save the Children Fund, Malawi
Amy Hughes, UK International Emergency Trauma Register.
Dr Aula Abbara, Hand in Hand for Syria
Entry is free! Reserve your place by emailing:
Royal College of Physicians | Regents Park | London | NW1 4LE

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Mar 24 2014

March Instalment of the Alma Mata Newsletter

RCP Image for emergencies

The Latest Alma Mata Global Health Newsletter is now out!

Please see the following link.

Photo credit: Royal College of Physicians

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Mar 21 2014

Policy, public health, and the evidence base for charging migrants


In the wake of proposals to radically reduce migrants’ access to the NHS, we question how much consideration has been afforded to the wider public health implications of these proposals, and to what extent they are evidence-based, cost-effective, or even safe.

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Mar 18 2014

Café Communique

Passionate about global health? Are you interested in writing?

Café Communique is a recently launched global health magazine with the aim of bringing together science, epidemiology, humanities, policy and economics to a dynamic online platform. We are endorsed by Professor Helen Ward of Imperial College London’s School of Public Health and Professor Azeem Majeed of the WHO Collaborating Centre.

Cafe Communique

We want to get more people talking about global health; be it doctor, student or member of the public, in the hopes of delivering a greater understanding and appreciation. Our aim is to strip down the ‘white coat’ and reintroduce the definition of global health as a more entertaining, engaging issue within our medium. More importantly we strongly believe in establishing a magazine with good quality journalism that focuses on key global health issues with contributions from authorities in the subject as well as personal stories to highlight the human-interest aspect of medicine and provoke discussion.


If you are interested in joining our writing team, we are still recruiting! Please send a short cover letter to Thank you, we look forward to hearing from you!

The Café Communique Team

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Mar 14 2014

Alma Mata Book Club


Oxford University Press is pleased to offer members of Alma Mata an exclusive 20% discount on all global health and epidemiology titles when ordering online.

See here for featured titles.  If you would be interested in doing a review for the book club please contact

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Feb 28 2014

The Latest Alma Mata Newsletter

Angry Hot PlanetThe Latest Alma Mata Global Health Newsletter is now out!

Please see the link.

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Feb 26 2014

Responding to emergencies – the challenges of NGO competition

Global health: developing leaders

Free seminars to develop global health advocates

Responding to emergencies – the challenges of NGO competition 


This will be the first in the third series of the Global Health Advocacy seminars run by the Royal College of Physicians and the Alma Mata Global Health Network.  These seminars aim to enthuse and educate doctors in training about ways in which they can get involved in global health; to provide potential advocates with insight and guidance on how to develop policy positions and influence decision-makers; and to equip young doctors to be future leaders in global health advocacy.


This seminar aims to explore the immediate response to emergency situations requiring humanitarian or healthcare intervention.  This will include: how the immediate needs of each situation are assessed, and by whom; what challenges arise from having multiple agencies working in parallel; how the presence of multiple external organisations impacts on local services in the short and long term; and ultimately how dynamics between the different agencies affect their ability to meet the recipient communities’ needs.


Speakers Include:


Annie Devonport, Head of Programmes and Accountability, Disasters Emergency Committee
Dr. Michael Pelly, Member of initial Merlin Team: previously worked for the Red Cross and Save the Children Fund, Malawi
Amy Hughes, UK International Emergency Trauma Register.
Dr Aula Abbara, Hand in Hand for Syria


Thursday 27 March 2014

18:30 – 20:00

Followed by a free drinks reception

If you are interested in attending please email to reserve a place.

Royal College of Physicians | Regents Park | London | NW1 4LE

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Feb 21 2014

Doctors needed in Freetown, Sierra Leone


Aberdeens Women's  CentreThe Aberdeen Women’s Centre (AWC) in Freetown, Sierra Leone, is looking for two post foundation year doctors to run their paediatric outpatients clinic from the start of August 2013.o

The clinic runs Monday-Friday and accommodation + main meals are provided, plus a wage for those staying for a prolonged period of time.

This is an ideal opportunity for someone with foundation year paeds experience and APLS/EPLS! For interested applicants please contact Karen Garrott on

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Feb 10 2014

Medact: Workshop on Tax and Health

Date: Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Time: 10:30 until 15:00 (lunch provided)

Location: The Grayston Centre, 28 Charles Square, N1 6HT


Medact is a London-based health charity designed to enable health professionals to act on the social, political, ecological and economic determinants of health and health inequality. Its purpose is to inform, educate and mobilise the 1 million plus health professionals in the UK.

Over the next two years, Medact will be working on the issues of tax justice and tax policy which are fundamental to just about every single national and global health priority.

In order to design a programme of work, Medact is organising a workshop to consult with other health organisations as well as experts in the field of tax and tax justice.

Aims of workshop

  • Develop the idea of tax (and tax justice) as a health issue that health professionals should be concerned about
  • Define the role that Medact can play in supporting appropriate action on tax – at both a global and local level. This would include research, education and campaigning
  • Develop synergistic links between Medact and existing tax-related campaigns and initiatives
  • Identify organisations and individuals already working in the area of tax and health
  • Explore funding opportunities  to support a programme of work on tax and justice


This workshop is designed to be small enough to allow for strategic planning. Medact is inviting a number of selected participants; but anyone with relevant interest and expertise who would like to participate is encouraged to email Medact at:

We anticipate holding a more open public meeting on the issue of Tax and Health later in the year.


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