

Jun 02 2013

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Postgraduate Training Survey – we need your help!

The 2013 Postgraduate Training in Global Health – Trainee and Student Survey is now open, and we are calling on you to fill it out!  

One of Alma Mata’s main roles is to represent medical professionals with an interest in global health, and to push for increased and better opportunities in training and education, both nationally and locally.  To do so, we need to understand what you, as a trainee/student, want and need in terms of global health training. What do you feel is useful and what would help you develop an interest in global health?

The survey will take around 10 minutes to complete, with opportunities to give open text responses detailing what you think.  The survey is anonymous and confidential – you can not be identified from your response. Your views and experiences are really important if training in this area is to be improved.  We will share our findings with postgraduate training Institutions and other interested parties, and we aim to publish them in a peer reviewed journal.  Your responses will also be used to tailor the ways in which we interact with and the requests we make of the bodies responsible for providing under- and postgraduate education in global health. 

To thank you for your time, survey participants are invited to enter our free prize draw to win a case of 6 bottles of fair trade wine or fair trade hamper. Winners will be chosen at random and notified by the Alma Mata Working Group.

If you have any queries or require further information about the survey, please contact us at secretary@almamata.org.uk.

Click here to take survey

Alternatively you can paste https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/FLWZWVD into your browser.

With thanks,

Alma Mata Working Group

Permanent link to this article: http://almamata.org.uk/postgraduate-training-survey-we-need-your-help/

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